Are your launches not working?

⚠️ Warning: Real talk about the world of online launches ahead. 


Maybe your launches “aren't working” 🤷‍♀️ because...

1. You have unrealistic expectations about what a successful launch is for you. Or you simply haven't done the launch math. 🧮️

Do you know the average conversion rates for each of the moving pieces of a launch? 

If not, that's a good place to start BEFORE you set your launch goals.  

An example:

The average sales page conversion rate is 3-5%.

So, if your goal is to fill 100 spots in your program, you need about 2,000-3,500 visitors to your sales page.

Are you prepared to drive that amount of traffic to your offer? 

Or do you have multiple ways to make sales, such as in the DMs, or an engaged email list filled with ideal clients? 

If not, you are unlikely to hit your goal. 

3 quick caveats: 

- Yes, I’ve seen higher sales page conversion rates, and I've gotten higher than average results at times. But it’s all about CONTEXT. Using the average conversion is still the best way to set realistic goals. 

- Based on my observations, some of the standard conversion rates may NOT be accurate in 2023. (You aren't in 2020 anymore, Dorothy.)

- There are a TON of other factors that affect the results of a launch, aside from your copy — for example, your offer/audience/timing not being a fit. 

2. You haven't done the prep work, or you launched prematurely. 💔

Prep work starts with your offer, messaging, and strategy — before we ever get to your copy. 

If you skip list building, nurturing relationships, and seeding your offer in the months before your launch, plan to adjust your goals accordingly. 💣

3. You are out of alignment somewhere, or your energy and intentions are off. ⚡️

Yep, I said energy and intentions. This isn’t “woo-woo.” 

This is about what YOU bring to your offer, assets, and launch. 

This is about you being on a mission to actually help people get the results you promise, not just making a cheap sale. 

You can show up with doubt, attachment, and fear. 

Or you can show up with excitement, openness, and confidence. 💯% your choice. 

As for alignment, your offer, audience, messaging, launch strategy, and copy must all work TOGETHER, in order to create a positive outcome. 

It’s an ecosystem. 🏞 If even ONE of those factors is off, it throws everything off.

The fix for all of this is to Launch with Integrity and set your sights on a HEALTHY launch, rather than a ginormous launch. 

If you want help figuring out what a healthy launch could like for you, book a free call and let’s talk. 😊


I'm a conversion copywriter for digital course creators, experts, and service providers who have hit 6 figures or more and want to scale by staying in their zone of genius.

I help you go from Offer to Empire™ by nailing your offer, messaging, and strategy, then layering on the conversion copy.

Want to know how we can work together? Click here.


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